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I am looking on how to encrypt my OBKey data using HUK during provisioning.HUK is device specific then how can we give this HUK Key to Trusted package creator to download the OBKey data?
How can we map HDPL levels to ST boot/ User Boot / User secure app/ user unsecure app in STM32H573 controller ? In user flash if I want to place my OEM ROT , OEM uROT, Secure App and Unsecure App, How do I map each HDPL level to corresponding boot or...
Currently I am using CuebMX version 6.12 and tried generating BSP and HAL code for STM32U535RBT6 controller.But the generated code is not MISRA C 2012 compliant. How do I generate MISRA C 2012 compliance code? 
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