@Semer CHERNImcdvoice wrote:Hello @gnarrf95 First let me thank you for posting.This is a known issue and it impact Cortex-M33 based MCUs. (Internal ticket number 191086)There are two temporary solution:Either use OpenOCD for debugOr flash the elf fil...
@Takeleimcdvoice wrote:I am considering using CI with GitHub Actions. Would there be any licensing issues with using a Docker image of 'STM32CubeIDE' like https://hub.docker.com/r/xanderhendriks/stm32cubeide.Yes, there could be licensing issues when ...
@mikel-mehall wrote:Hi,I have generated a SFI file and managed to install it on my NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q using STM32CubeProgrammer. Now, as a next step, I want to install this SFI file remotely (e.g. on another PC or similar), is there any way to do this i...