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Posted on March 30, 2017 at 21:18The board can't function properly, it can be downloaded using ST-LINK but the output doesn't match with the program I wrote. Is it because the oscillator? I watch the oscillator signal and it is different from the ri...
Posted on August 07, 2015 at 10:41I use STM32F4 Discovery and a USB TTL to serially connect the ARM and the computer I use. I got a serial program and it is Parallax Terminal. The problem is when I download the program to the ARM, the character show...
Posted on August 05, 2015 at 08:11Hello, I am a college student and a beginner programmer, I got a project to make a library using STM32F4 Discovery to move a Dynamixel motor type XL-320. I already studied the basic communication for commanding Dyna...