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Hi @mƎALLEm ,I referred the application notes to increase analog amplitude, but whatever the digital amplitude configured i am able to get only 1.85v as analog volt. How to get 3.3v as volt level for output for DAC.
Is possible to generate different tone using dac peripheral for triangle wave form generation using PCM sample in stm32 nucleo F410RB controller. Is it possible to generate tone using wav data(pcm array).1.If possible to generate need to give wav for...
Is there any example code for I2S to DAC using DMA for generating audios. Will it suitable to generate using wav data or pcm samples to generate audio using this method in this specific controller.
STM32F746G - will this MCU support for tone generation using PCM-PWM and PCM-TDM. Where i can get the refernece manual for this mcu.
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