Hi @Imen.D Thanks. I think there is a risk that the hackish workaround we did for this will later collide with enabling DMA for the UART so we would still like an official solution via a CubeMX update.May I please ask you to share in which version th...
Hi @Imen.D,I checked STM32CubeIDE 1.16.0 but I could not find the DMA Settings discussed above.Please share what "next release" is specifically and time plans if available.I would also like to know if ST can provide any recommended workarounds for th...
Hi @Amelie ACKERMANN Please share the procedure with me too.May I suggest that the instructions are added as a Knowledge base article in https://community.st.com/t5/community-guidelines/tkb-p/community-guidelines?It would be good if it could be chang...