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 I have tried to set the buffer for receiving data a location where DMA can reach(uint32_t dcmi_data_buff[2560] __attribute__((section(".ARM.__at_0x24040000")));). But every time I start DMA I got the same data and once I changed the location for buf...
I tried to use this board to capture image by using DCMI DMA with a ov2640 camera. The problem is data read is successful in DCMI(by watching the register) but the buffer(initialized:uint32_t buffer[16000]={0}) used to store the image data was the sa...
my task is to use a ov2640 camera to capture photo for further using(yolo model input),I've configure DMA DCMI for this task. Now the situation is  the sccb communication with ov2640 is ok but when I start DMA to get the photo data I can't get the ph...
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