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Hi. I am using NUCLE-F439ZI board STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.16.0Build: 21983_20240628_1741 (UTC) Lately I am experiencing problem, when I make changes in .IOC file and save and generate code it is messing my main.c file. It is copying big portion of ma...
I need help to setup TMP102 alarm function. My board is NUCLEO-F439ZIReading the temperature is working fine.uint8_t TMP102_ADDR = 0x48 << 1;uint8_t REG_TEMP = 0x00;uint8_t buf[12];buf[0] = REG_TEMP;ret = HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c2, 0x90, buf, 1,...