In the documentation stands something about, if the fraction is too big for the 4 bits then the "carry" must be added to the mantissa.But I don´t understand what the "carry" of 0d0.99 is? Because they simply round up the 0d50.990 to 0d51. :thinking_f...
I'm understanding now the calculation of the mantissa and fraction and with that the baudrate when it's 16x oversampling.I guess now that the calculation formula for 8x oversampling is the following: BAUD = fCK / (8 * USARTDIV) ? (And not (16 * USART...
Ok. So the 16-times oversampling means that the BUS_CLOCK of the BUS where the USART is connected to is16 MHz ?And 8-times oversampling means that the BUS_CLOCK of the BUS where the USART is connected to is 8 MHz?And how is the calculation of the BRR...
Thanks for your answer :)But I didn´t hear the word "oversampling" before. And I didn´t find something about that until now what it is.Is it the frequency of the APBCLOCK or what is it?(I´m new to the topic of programming microcontrollers with the re...
Hello, I must write here in 2024 also because I´m want to go sure that I understand your calculating right.You only divide the APBCLK / BAUD_RATE and write this value into the BRR register? Am I right with this?