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dear St:my L9961 seems dead :I can not drag new file to g071RB, it shows that the space is not enough; also a new file Fail.txt showd up: ”The interface firmware failed to reset/halt the target MCU”; How can I revive my MCU ? 
Dear ST:STEVAL-L99615C MCU G071RB is dead, and can not download X.bin file?how can I revive MCU ?
Dear ST:Why I can not discharge my battery? Only Charge into it?my setting are below:1、Hardware:CN2 connector:I connect a load(small DC fan,or a resistor)to CH+ CH-;2、Software:In GUI, I run file ( Current Acquistion Init - CC+CSA.csv),      Activate ...
dear ST: Why STSVAL-L99615C- can_not_connec to_GUI?I can use tera toem connect to ST, But could not connect to GUI ?I attached a ppt to descript this situation;My email:
Dear ST:  When I download STEVAL-L99615C Software GUI,,L9961_Script.7z Only contain one file: Current acquisition init.csvanother important file is missing: Voltage Acquisition Init - 5Cell + VB + NTC.csv ? could you fix this p...