I am designing a custom board with an STM32H503CBT6, but after supplying 3.3V power, the chip heats up. I think it might be due to the power supply, so I have shared the schematic here. Please help me.
I am using STM32H503CBT6 with a frequency of 250MHz, but my program is not running. I have a counter variable in a while loop, but it is not incrementing. When I lower the frequency to 100MHz, the program works. Please help me!
I measure voltage on the two VCAPs. it is 1.36Vvoltage on VDD is 3.2Vvoltage on VDDA is 3.2VAnd i think the orientation is correct. I can still flash the program into the STM32 normally. One more thing is that when I flash the program, after unpluggi...
I think I have found my mistake. I designed the schematic myself, and as @Tesla DeLorean said, it seems I chose the wrong capacitor. I should fix it right now. Thanks for help me, @mƎALLEm @Tesla DeLorean