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Software Using:STM32CubeMX 6.11.1STM32 VS Code Extension v2.0.1STM32CubeCLT 1.15.1TouchGFX 4.23.2Visual Studio Code 1.89.11, 2, 5 always auto update itself.Hardware Using:MCU: STM32F411CEUBoard: A third party development board, "BlackPill" to be spec...
I'm using STM32CubeMX and Visual Studio Code.After generating a CMake project with X-CUBE-TOUCHGFX selected using STM32CubeMX, I then go to the .part file to create a UI, but when I click Generate Code it shows this error:  Generate Code Generate...
Recently I need a power supply that supports outputting 300VDC, 250VDC, 150VDC and a combined power of 50W, the input could be AC or DC, I tried eDesignSuite but no result matched my need.
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