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Dear Members,How can the speed of displaying the value of HAL_GPIO_ReadPin when reading a pwm signal be equivalent to the speed of displaying the value in another variable located outside WHILE ?I made a code to read the pwm signal to find out whethe...
How do I get the STM32F103C8T6 to read frequencies from 1Hz to 100Khz correctly and accurately on TIM3?I set HCLK in the program at 72Mhz, Prescaler at 2999 and Period at 65536.htim3.Instance = TIM3;htim3.Init.Prescaler = 2999;htim3.Init.CounterMode ...
Dear Members,How do I get the STM32F103C8T6 to read the 1Hz frequency correctly on TIM3?I set HCLK in the program at 72Mhz, and the frequency that can be read is only up to 1KHz. How do you get the 1Hz frequency to be read? this is the program:/* USE...