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Are there some tool like STM32CubeMonitor for SPC5 microcontrollers? With STM32CubeMonitor it is possible to load an elf or out file and watch variables values using gui components like gauge, bar, etc...
Hello,I created a new project using default settings only to toggle an OUTPUT just to see the microcontroller performance.I monitored that outpup with an oscilloscope and I get only 4.17MHz.I am using a SPC58NH-DISP.Is that an expected output frequen...
Hello,I am trying to debug a code that are running in core0 and core1. I inserted a breakpoint inside main_core0() and main_core1() infinite loop, but the debugger does not stop on breakpoints. In the core2 the debugger stops on breakpoint.I am sure ...
Dear friends,FreeRTOS are supporting SMP functionalities that enables to run FreeRTOS Kernel in only one core and schedule tasks on multiple cores. I am trying to use it, but it look...
The FreeRTOS version of FreeRTOS Component RLA is V10.1.1, however this version is very old (September, 2018).Is there some way to update the FreeRTOS Component?The SPC5Studio version is V6.Best regards.
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