I am trying to reinitialize the LTDC-TFT LCD controller in a task when I press a button.
I am using the STM32H735G-DK kit, which has a TFT LCD. I have created a project using TouchGFX, and it seems the display gets initialized and loaded with...
Hello MM,Thanks for the information you shared,I have tried the following changes in my code!please let me know if any changes required I have updated the Clock Configuration for LTDC After Wakeup from Stop mode, touchgfx_task is now up and running, ...
Hello MM,Correct me if I'm not clear..!I have tried removing the Display Re-initialization part after wakeup from stop mode But shows only a Blank screen, UI is not getting loaded, TouchGFX_Task() itself is not running and Other tasks are running nor...
Hello Johan,Thanks for your reply,I have tried to reinitialize the Display UsingHAL_LTDC_DeInit(&hltdc) & HAL_DMA2D_DeInit(&hdma2d) functions, but these couldn't help me to bring back the display after wakeup from the stop mode...so that's why I have...
Hi Tesla,Thanks for Immediate response.Im using STM32H735G-DK kit, mx25lm51245g is NOR flash is connected. I was trying to bring up the memory with BSP API's, is it possible to give any examples upon BSP API'si have already checked, available example...
Hi,im also facing similar issue,how did you achieve the read and write erase operations on STM32H7 series with BSP APIs? is there any application example available or any user manual available? to use the BSP OSPI NOR APIs? if yes, please attach here...