User Activity

CubeMX: 6.11.1Im trying to implement USB dual role on STM35U5G9 When I tick "Device Controllers HS" for host and device and generate code it sends a warning I checked the Platform Settings tab and there are no options I can Change for "Hardware IP" 
6.11 now supports USBX baremetalAre there any examples of this?All I could find still use ThreadX
CubeMX: 6.11.0STM32U5: 1.5.0uVision:, I saw the latest post about USBX baremetal now being possible and thought i would give it a try.I want to read USB drives and usb uart port to PC for comms. but get the following errors in uVision when...
Hi, I am using an STM32U5A9ZJT with LTDC L8 buffer and cannot select GPU2D, is support for L8 being added soon?Being able to use L8 and vector fonts would be ideal for storage savings. I also noticed that the "hardware" option for vector rendering is...
Hi,I have a Nucleo-U5A5ZJ-Q board which i replace the mcu with a STM32U5A9ZJT6.I'm trying to use LTDC to control a 800x480 LCD (WF50FTYAGDNN0#) via RGB888.Eventually running touchgfx, but I have fallen over at the first hurdle.I have read many tutori...