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Hi, I am using H743.I am testing to upgrade my firmware using the FWupgrade_Standalone example.My firmware worked fine.However, when I modified the next two lines of the icf file to 0x08020000 to upload to FWupgrade_Standalone, HAL_GetTick returned 0...
 Hi, I tried to run the FWupgrade_Standalone example on the STM32h743I EVAL Rev B board, but it didn't work.There are currently three issues 1.HS, FS in the build settings are not working correctly.If I don't connect a USB stick to the OTG HS without...
Hi, i`m new to stm32. I have a STM32469I EVAL Rev C Board And Using STM32CubeIDE. I downloaded STM32CubeF4 Firmware Package V1.28.0 from CubeMx but, I can`t find OTG Firmware Upgrade Example for STM32469I EVAL. Where can I find OTG FirmwareUpgrade Ex...