This is using Stm32CubeIDE Version: 1.14.0 Build: 19471_20231121_1200 (UTC)When I hit a breakpoint that says "view disassembly" that button often goes to a blank disassembly view. Same if you try and go to a particular address. If you close the cur...
I'm trying to debug something at the assembly level (mostly compiled from mix of C). Once I get to a point in my C code I then jump to some memory address where other code is loaded. With a breakpoint there I want to open up the disassembly view an...
[EDIT - I had Rx Buffers length before which is still there. I mean Rx Buffers Address which has vanished)Trying to walk the right path to get Ethernet working on a dev board, but using CubeMX as the basis (have looked at LwIP_HTTP_Server_Netconn_RTO...
To enable LwIP in CubeMX (inside CubeIDE) it needs the CPU data cache enabled. Ok, no problems, but it doesn't explain why and I can't find why this is the case. Is anyone able to offer an explaination?
Thanks - but this is all in Debug and no optimization. As I say if you click on instruction stepping it works for a bit - but if you try and scroll then it gets all mis-aligned and sometimes just goes blank. Closing and reopening works for a bit.My ...
Ack -found and posted the wrong picture and took the words from there. Spent so long looking at this and trying to get it working :( Sorry - Just updated the initial post and image
@Pavel A. wrote:The D-cache is required because the LwIP code uses "cache maintenance" operations (aka flush & discard). These may crash when the cache is not active Thanks - that's a good reason! As I said I have no need to disable the cache, I jus...
@mƎALLEm wrote:Hello,You need to enable the cache to boost the performance. You can also disable the cache but with less performance.@mƎALLEm Thanks - I understand that, but that doesn't mean it's mandated but CubeMX makes you do it (rather than jus...