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So i have this simple code for pwm input for the rc controller :void HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback(TIM_HandleTypeDef* htim){if (htim->Instance == TIM2){if (htim->Channel == HAL_TIM_ACTIVE_CHANNEL_1){capture_value[0] = HAL_TIM_ReadCapturedValue(htim, TIM...
So, After many hours of suffering and understanding the basics of CubeIDE I got stuck and cant find any solution.My main goal was to control bldc motor by RC controller and this is what i have achieved so far :void HAL_TIM_IC_CaptureCallback(TIM_Hand...
Hello Community,I've been grappling with a challenge in my project involving the STM series, and despite my efforts, I haven't been able to find a comprehensive tutorial addressing my specific issue. Here's a snippet of what I have so far:void HAL_TI...