User Activity

Hello, I'm trying to debug an issue I'm having with the GPDMA on an STMu5. I believe I'm mostly there but for some reasons I'm missing only some DMA triggers. So the situation is as follows: I'm trying to read the IDR register of a GPIO port into mem...
Hello,I'm trying to set up a micro sd on a nucleo-u575ZI through the sddmc1 with a port of FatFs.I am using a PmodMicroSD all wired up for 4 bits and the card detect on a GPIO.I am testing 3 sd card 16GB, 32GB and 64GB.I have confirmed that all 3 are...
Hello,I have  a very basic question. In the spec of the U5 series there is this: Does that really mean that the U5 would not support talking to an SD card in SPI mode? I find it hard to believe since SPI seems to be the most basic way to interface wi...
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