2020-06-01 03:09 AM
I'm working with the stm32f439ZG and I have one question regarding the CAN bootloader.
I'm trying to update one node via CAN interface.
I have one network with 3 nodes (the node 1 is responsible for send the new firmware, the node 2 will receive this new firmware and the node 3 is idle). My "normal" CAN bitrate is 500kbits.
My strategy is:
1. node 1 sends one message that forces nodes to stop sending messages;
2. node 1 sends one message that forces node 2 to enter in bootloader and node 3 execute the function HAL_CAN_DeInit(&hcan2) and after MX_CAN2_Init_125(), init CAN with CAN bitrate=125kbits;
3. node 3 has one CAN filter that blocks all the Standard IDs.
However, when I send the sync message (0x79) the node 2 jumps off the bootloader.
What is the right approach for execute the firmware update via CAN when have in the network multiple nodes?
Thanks for your help.
2024-07-27 01:53 AM
hi, did you find solution?