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To improve the execution time of a program being run on the board 'Nucleo-439ZI' from the current 20 ms period to less than 1 ms [more than 20 times reduction]. To reduce the same, I tried to switch the clock frequency source of the timer to HSE (8 M...
we are using EXTI1 interrupt in our project based on stm32f446. But the Interrupt handler is not firing.We looked into the interrupt enable registers, Mask registers, etc and all seems fine and a timer interrupt also in the project, which is triggeri...
In Design of LED Driver using EVAL012LED 200W power supply. Output Voltage of EV B is 56V, but requirement is 24V for LED STRIP Load and had made changes in EV B to get the 24V at output side.  Dimming Voltage is at DIM 1 pin in schematic, at 100mV D...
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