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Hi all,I encountered a build error while developing a TouchGFX project for the STM32H747-DISCO board. I followed these steps:Steps to Reproduce:Create a TouchGFX Project:Used TouchGFX Environment on Windows to generate an empty STM32H747-DISCO projec...
Hi Sir,I run BLE_p2pServer example code with NUCLEO-WBA55CG board, it shows build error on STM32CubeIDE. How to fix it ?The software version I used is :STM32CubeIDE 1.17.0STM32Cube_FW_WBA_V1.5.0STM32CubeMX 6.13.0
I am now practicing the BLE_p2pServer example on the NUCLEO-WBA55CG board. I hope that the android app can scan its UUID 0xFE40 when scanning without  connect. How can I modify it?
I use touchfgx 4.24.1 Designer to generate a new project. After generating it, I use this stm32cubemx 6.12.1 to open the stm32cubeProject. It will say that my stm32cubemx 6.12.1 does not have touchfgx 4.24.0 installed, and it wants me to install touc...
I executed "Clock Example" on stm32H747I DISCO. I found that after two minutes of execution, the analog clock was about 15 seconds slower. After 53 minutes of execution, it was about 5 minutes slower, and it will become slower and slower. I did not a...
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