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I use touchfgx 4.24.1 Designer to generate a new project. After generating it, I use this stm32cubemx 6.12.1 to open the stm32cubeProject. It will say that my stm32cubemx 6.12.1 does not have touchfgx 4.24.0 installed, and it wants me to install touc...
I executed "Clock Example" on stm32H747I DISCO. I found that after two minutes of execution, the analog clock was about 15 seconds slower. After 53 minutes of execution, it was about 5 minutes slower, and it will become slower and slower. I did not a...
Dear Sir,My  STM32H747I DISO board's LCD is MB1166-A09 , it's driver is nt35510. When I use "STM32H747I DISO board" to create new project, the lcd driver is otm8009a. May I change the default driver to nt35510 ? Thanks.
Hi Sir,My target board is STM32H747 , when I add the code. make will report error. the error message is below , how to fix it ? arm-none-eabi-gcc -o "TUT_03_CM4.elf" @"objects.list" -mcpu=cortex-m4 -T"D:\STM32CubeIDE\workspace\TUT_03\CM4\STM32H747XIH...
I used TOUCHGFX 4.22.1 to generate code and used IAR 9.40.1 to open the project. When build the project, it shows missing the the file 'Middlewares/Third_Party/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/port.c' , Could you provide a patch to fix it ? Than...
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