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Hi,We built a custom board using STM32L4R9AI MCU. The board contains a display with following specificationDisplay driver: RM69330Connection Interface: MIPI DSIDisplay Size: 454x454We can initialize the display properly because the all pixel can be t...
Hi,Currently I am working with STM32L4R9 Discovery kit. The connected PSRAM model with this board is IS66WV1M16EBLL-55BLI. Using HAL functions, I can only write and read up to 16 bit data (i.e. unsigned integer 8 bit (uint8_t) and uint16_t). Other da...
Hi,Currently I am working with STM32L4R9 Discovery kit. The connected PSRAM model with this board is IS66WV1M16EBLL-55BLI. Using HAL functions, I can only write and read up to 16 bit data (i.e. unsigned integer 8 bit (uint8_t) and uint16_t). Other da...
Hi,I need help about LUT configuration of a custom display. I am using STM32L4R9-Disco board. The LUT for the display is given in .xlsx format. However, I am using another display of size 454x454 with that board. Is there any way to generate LUT for ...
Hi,Currently I am using STM32L4R9 discovery board, which has 16-Mbit (2MB) PSRAM. I have been able to allocate static memory inside PSRAM by using following code and also by changing linker script file (.ld). I have attached my edited linker script w...