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I want to pair the STM32 BL475E IoT01A to a HC05 module connected to another STM32F401ccu6 to send data to the IoT board.But when I tried to do so,I'm not able to find the pairing key anywhere.I tried 0000,1234,1111 but that didnt work.Is there any o...
When I use my STM32 BL475E IoT Node for operations not involving peripherals like blinking the onboard LED,serial printing to monitor,Running an AI model they are working properly.But when I tried to blink an external LED it is not working.same appli...
I want to configure the BLE of STM32 BL475E IoT-01A so that it could send and receive data via bluetooth from another Nucleo board.I couldn't able to find any proper resources related to this board.If it is there,kindly share the link
when I am running this code,the audio is not playing.I checked everything.The connection is completely fine as some sound is coming when I power up the nucleo.the audio files are named from 1 to 6.mp3.where is the problem then?? 
how to solve this problem