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We need to store some of our application data in BKPSRAM block so we can persist it during power down. Here is the code that we created to write to the BKPSRAM block, could you please help me to define what is wrong. Thanks.#include <sys/mman.h>#incl...
Hi,I am trying to debug both cores in STM32WL55CC chip. When trying debugging CM0+ i get error. I am using STM32CubeIDE ver 1.14.1 and also tried STM32CubeIDE ver 1.8 per a suggestion in older post, both don't work.The followings are the configuratio...
Hi,I am new in STM32MP1 MPU Linux and wish to get the guiding to start developing Linux OS app for my board. The first question:I need to switch GPIO pins.  Any suggestions where to start for single core MPU STM32MP135. Thanks.