User Activity

Hello ,I'm trying to figure out how the 1_class library works. In the Emulator tab of the NanoedgeAI Studio software, I can see that the sensor indicates that the input pattern is detected as an outlier (outside the class considered), as shown in the...
Hello,I am a beginnerI downloaded the STM32-NANOEDGE-DATALOGGER firmware via the github link.This STM32-NANOEDGE-DATALOGGER is used in NaoedgeAIStudio and is streaming data via UART (VCOM port) from STLink.but I see that the example is only given for...
Dear community members,I want to connect the to Tera Term  in my project. So i need  to know how can i activate the Port COM of my On picture below, we can see the as a USB peripherial but under Ports(COM et LPT) it's n...
Hello ,I recently bought the core system board (STEVAL-STWBXCS1), so I don't know everything about it. I would like to carry out a predictive maintenance project. I followed the steps below:1- flash the binary file with STM32CubeProgrammer2...
Hello ,I recently bought the core system board (STEVAL-STWBXCS1), so I don't know everything about it. I would like to carry out a predictive maintenance project. I followed the steps below:1- flash the binary file with STM32CubeProgrammer2...
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