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Hello  I am working with an STM32G474RET6, using Timer 3 in one-pulse mode with an external trigger.Below is my Timer 3 initialization code:static void MX_TIM3_Init(void){/* USER CODE BEGIN TIM3_Init 0 *//* USER CODE END TIM3_Init 0 */TIM_ClockConfig...
Hello I want to use STEF12PUR (electronic for 12V) and have following question:1. What is the response time of this fuse (how fast it will trip in case of over current)?2. For me not clear difference between ILIM and ISHORT?3. If I want to set fuse f...
HelloI am working in dual bank mode with STM32G474RET6 MCU. I want to store some default values in internal flash beyond last programmed firmware's data address.For example I have following contents in flash (shown from STM32CubeProgrammer):Data star...
HelloI am new with using STM MCU's (STM32G474RET6) and encounter very strange reset behavior.In my application reset of the MCU can be done in 3 different ways. 1. Hardware reset - by pressing on button.2. Software reset - by executing NVIC_SystemRes...
Hello In my project I want to use timer4 of STM32G474RET6 MCU. I want to generate single pulses with programmable width on CH2-CH4. These output pulses from MCU should be with programmable delay from input pulse connected to CH1. Pulses on CH2-CH4 sh...
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