I'm trying to use the 4K backup RAM on the STM32H745XI. Using following code initialize RTC and backup domain. VBAT of 3V coin cell is used power RTC backup domain on VDD off. HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess();
while ((PWR->CR1 & PWR_CR1_DBP) == R...
I tried to install sonarlint 10.1 on STM32cubeIDE 1.7.0 on Windows using eclipse marketplace as well as using offline .zip file.In both cases I am getting error for installing dependencies.it allows to install sonarlint v5.0 and below without any iss...
__HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE();HAL_PWR_EnableBkUpAccess();__HAL_RCC_BKPRAM_CLK_ENABLE();// Enable backup regulatorHAL_PWREx_EnableBkUpReg();// Wait until backup regulator is initializedwhile (!LL_PWR_IsActiveFlag_BRR());I have used above methods to initi...
I am also facing same issue.VBAT connection is proper as I am able to retrieve data and time in backup register.Tamper detection is disabled.RDP is also not used.