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I have connected a Nicerf SX1262 us915 lora module with the STM32L496RG MCU. Lora module has DIO1 and Busy pins for tx and rx confirmation(data send and receive ).I'm using STM32CubeExpansion_LRWAN_V1.3.1 library and i have used sx1262 example which ...
I'm working on a project based on STM32l496rg and trying to send data from USB CDC to terminal. I`ve created a project in STM32CubeIDE (the latest version available), where I`ve set up clocks, enabled USB_FS_Device and USB CDC middleware and all the ...
​STM32Cube MCU Package for STM32WL series (HAL and LL low level drivers, USB, File system, RTOS - coming with examples running on ST boards: STM32 Nucleo, Discovery kits and Evaluation boards) not available on st site. Please provide me mcu packages ...
I am currently playing around with LoRaWAN and TTN and try to getting SX1276 Modem (nice RF) to work.I implemented on STM32l4 board. When OTAA join starts the device gets registered on the TTN console but i never receive the join accept back on my no...
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