Hello @voyvoda .,I tried to connect to MQTT server using LWIP protocol from STM32F4. I am able to connect but getting authentication failure in MQTT server side. And, not able to publish the date to the server. Kindly help resolve this issue.
I configured ethernet and LWIP stack using stm32cubeMX and now I need to include MQTT protocol to my application. How can I include it to my application?
I configured ethernet and LWIP stack in stm32f407zet6 and I tried to ping the configured IP in comment prompt it is responding request time out and Not able to get ethernet interruptRegards,Tamilmani G
Thank you for your response.I have ethernet and lwip software written in Standard Library in IAR Workbench that is working fine. but when i configure using stm32cube ide, i'm not getting it working.In IAR, ETH_InitStructure.ETH_AutoNegotiation = ETH_...