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I am having an issue with the I2C communication between the MCU STM8208C6 and the Ambient Light Sensor APDS 9306-065.Before any setting is set up during the debugging, the I2C register I2C_SR3 in the field BUSY is 1.• I checked if there was any short...
I am facing an issue with the I2C communication. During the first run the communication between the MCU and the sensor is okay then I can read and write in the sensor's registers without a problem. However, when I try to debug a second time I receiv...
I am having an issue with the UART1 communication between two devices (Computer and a STM8S208 board).I implemented software in the computer that writes two bytes length of data to the STM8• the first byte that acts as an identifier;•the second byte ...
I would like to receive a string through the UART1, its format is from 000000000 to 999999999, However when I send the string only the first object is read and it is repeated nine times and the other values are lost.I am using this function to read t...