2020-07-16 4:41 AM
I would like to receive a string through the UART1,
its format is from 000000000 to 999999999,
However when I send the string only the first object is read and it is repeated nine times and the other values are lost.
I am using this function to read the data from UART
void Serial_read_char(uint8_t * buf, uint8_t numberOfBytes)
buf[pos] = UART1_ReceiveData8();
if(pos > numberOfBytes)
pos = 0;
And this is how I am storing the data in the main function
if (UART1_GetFlagStatus(UART1_FLAG_RXNE) == TRUE)
Serial_read_char(buf, 9);
get_lux = (*(buf+0) - 0x30)*100+
(*(buf+1) - 0x30)*10 +
(*(buf+2) - 0x30);
get_warm =(*(buf+3) - 0x30)*100+
(*(buf+4) - 0x30)*10 +
(*(buf+5) - 0x30);
get_cool =(*(buf+6) - 0x30)*100+
(*(buf+7) - 0x30)*10 +
(*(buf+8) - 0x30);
How could I read correctly the value from the String?
I am using the STM8S208C6 and the Cosmic compiler free
2020-07-20 4:44 AM
Please double-check your routines.
Where did you set the value of pos before calling Serial_read_char?
You are calling Serial_read_char with a parameter of 9 for the number of characters and you also reset the pos counter in that routine... but where is the loop to read the byte(s) there?
Good luck!
2020-07-20 7:20 AM
@Peter BENSCH , thank you for the answer.
I was reading some forums about this issue and I notice that one solution was to use interrupt everytime that my system receives any data from the UART1.
I applied it into my code and it is working quite well.
This was the solution, I hope that it can help someone else that face the same problem:
extern unsigned char buf[9];
unsigned int pos = 0;
extern int get_lux;
extern int get_warm;
extern int get_cool;
#ifdef _COSMIC_
@far @interrupt void UART1_RX_IRQHandler(void)
#else /* _RAISONANCE_ */
void UART1_RX_IRQHandler(void) interrupt 18
#endif /* _COSMIC_ */
buf[pos] = UART1_ReceiveData8();
if (pos >= 8)
get_lux = ((buf[0]) - 0x30 )*100+
((buf[1]) - 0x30 )*10 +
((buf[2]) - 0x30 );
get_warm =((buf[3]) - 0x30 )*100+
((buf[4]) - 0x30 )*10 +
((buf[5]) - 0x30 );
get_cool =((buf[6]) - 0x30 )*100+
((buf[7]) - 0x30 )*10 +
((buf[8]) - 0x30 );
pos = 0;