User Activity

Hi, my name is Luis.I'm using MC SDK 6.3.2 with a custom board for a single shunt driver in 6-step mode.I defined the OCP mode to  use internal comparator and enabled over current protection in MC project configuration.The generated ioc file configur...
I'm considering using STLINK-V3MODS for RS-485 via VCP. For it I would need DE (Driver Enable) functionality. (Something similar was commented in an old question)In the user manual, when UART bridge is described it says:"UART signals with hardware fl...
I'm trying to setup a project with STM32CubeIDE 1.8 (includes CubeMX 6.4) that uses LPUART1 on a STM32L031K6. I want to lower the CPU frequency to 4MHz, and, to reduce power, I'm using HSI/4 as clock input.LPUART baudrate is set wrong (4 times higher...
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