2022-12-11 4:33 AM
Hi, dear colleagues!
I use OSPI interface to connect MCU with QSPI NAND flash.
For some commands (for ex. PAGE READ) of used NAND device there is 0 data bytes and HAL_OSPI_Command_IT() work proper.
But some commands (for ex. SET FEATURE) has one (or more) data bytes. With those commands HAL_OSPI_Command_IT() fail (return HAL_ERROR). It is obviously also when view HAL_OSPI_Command_IT source code - it can't be used for commands with non zero data bytes , i.e DataMode != HAL_OSPI_DATA_NONE.
But HAL_OSPI_Command() do this OK.
I use both functions with the same hospi and cmd configuration, but HAL_OSPI_Command_IT() is failed, HAL_OSPI_Command() is OK.
Is there difference in purpouse of HAL_OSPI_Command_IT and HAL_OSPI_Command?
Is there any restrictions for HAL_OSPI_Command_IT vs HAL_OSPI_Command?
Thank you.