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hi i am trying to work with ST given example code of SBSFU for the U585 controller. Here my requirement is to add the active tampers to the system. in this given code i think tamper is only configured in the bootloader application only.tamper detecti...
Hello We are testing the SBSFU project on STM32U585 released in the cubeu5 project and came to see that the secure project uses 14kb of size and non secure approximate 1.2MB. Our requirement is to add some modules into the secure area and we need to ...
hi i am implementing a TFM based project on stm32u585 microcontroller. i taken reference from the cubeU5 package to implement the TFM code stm32U585 SBSFU  .in my application i need to use the ECDSA signing and verification using the PSA APIs availab...
hi all,i am developing a project using stm32u585 microcontroller which can connect to the external devices using ethernet and USB protocols.i need to put the controller in sleep or any low power mode when ever a sleep command is reached through the U...
hi all,I am trying to implement a TCP echo device on STM32U585 controller. here the TCP/IP communication is over ethernet as well as USB (CDC ECM). The communication channel is protected using TLS am using NetX stack as the TCP/IP sta...
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