2024-08-20 4:25 AM
Regarding the KNX TP, I tested the STKNX evaluation board and my board which have ST-KNX chip then have below questions:
Q1, The testing connection is
UART TX => KNX_TX (STKNX EV1) => KNX_TP line => KNX_RX(STKNX chip board 2) => UART RX
CH1: KNX_TX CH2: KNX_TP_line Send out character 0xA5 @9600,8N2 | CH1: KNX_RX CH2: KNX_TP_line Received: 0xE9, 0x0E, 0x00 @9600,8N2 |
Q2 Are the KNX_TX and KNX_RX using the UART to communicate?
Or using SPI?
or could just use the GPIO?
Q3: According to the STKNX evaluation board,
The KNX_TX and KNX_RX pin are connecting to PA6 and PA7 which the pin definition of STM32F103RB as below:
Since I don’t have the driver code, what feature(s) is(are) need to use for TAPKO KAIstack?
Assume that there are no AND gate at the PA7.
e.g. Do the TAPKO driver need the TIM3_CH1&2 function for the KNX TP?