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Hithe USB tutorial of ST is a bit outdated. Do I still need to do the loop back of line coding in usbd_cdc_if.c in function CDC_Control_HS? I am using Stm32f4 and STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.28.0This is mentined in this video:
Hiin different posts in forum I read ST's USB library is not thread safe. There are no examples with USB CDC and FreeRTOS.Is that true?Thx 
HiI have a sensor board with USB MSC and an EMMC memory chip. Under windows every thing works fine but not under MAC or Android.I am using FATFS and format the card with fomat option = #define FM_ANY 0x07.Does any one have a clue what is going wrong?...
HiI am trying to set up a project based on FP-SNS-ALLMEMS1.When i set up a project based on STM32L476 Nucleo, I cant find the pack neither under "select components" nor under "manage software packs". see belowWhy?? 
HiI successfully got the USB DFU bootlader working in 2 hours.This one: i would like to add some encryption to it with a time budget of couple of hours.I am already using python for USB DFU update.What i...
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