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Hi everyone, I am trying to generate PWM signal and change it's frequency with a potentiometer. I have connected an LED to the PWM output and it blinks only a few times and then stops. Sadly, I don't have an osciloscope to check the signal.I am using...
I am trying to read ADC from two channels without using DMA. For that I use this code: /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */uint16_t ADC_VAL[2];void ADC_Select_CH1(void){    ADC_ChannelConfTypeDef sConfig = {0};     sConfig.Channel = ADC_CHANNEL_0;    sConfig.Rank...
MCU: NUCLEO-L433RC-PSTM32CubeMX version: 6.8.0MDK-ARM Community version: version: 8 update 361 (build 1.8.0_361-b09)When I try to generate code I get this message:The Code is successfully generated under : C:/Users/.../project Project la...
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