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Try as I might in the STM32CubeMX I can't get TIM16 to use the LSI as the input. MX_TIM16_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ // Start timer HAL_SuspendTick(); HAL_TIMEx_TISelection(&htim16, 1, TIM_CHANNEL_1); HAL_TIM_Base_Start_IT(&htim16);The...
I did a fresh install of STM32CubewMX and STM32CubeIDE. I built a simple program that does nothing except configure an LED to turn on as part of the GPIO initialization. Try as I might, I can program it when trying to debug, but cannot debug. Excerpt...
I created a project with STM32MXCube for the STM32G030F6P6. No changes to the settings. Generate code, run it in STM32CubeIDE in the debugger (STLINK). No changes to the generated code. It stops at main. If I single step it gets to the while(1) loop...
I have an STM32G030 board that I was debugging, and all was going well. Then I started getting an 'unable to connect' message while debugging. Reading some of the forum, the issue appears to be that I checked "Set all free pins as analog (to optimize...