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STM32L4R9ZITx, MIPI-DSI, Display

Associate II

Hi I have doubt in MIPI_DSI

0693W00000APOhxQAH.png0693W00000APOjeQAH.pngI Have only one lane but my Display has 4 lanes I don't know how to connect them both

Please help me to interface the display with MCU

or Else, please suggest to me some OLED display to interface with this MCU(MIPI-DSI)


>>I Have only one lane but my Display has 4 lanes I don't know how to connect them both

Well you're only going to able to connect the CLK/DATA pairs (CLKP/N, D0P/N), and then either strap the display in single lane mode, or configure the display side controller into the same. Basically a need to RTFM until the doubt arrives at understanding.

Obviously going to limit display resolution, colour depth and bandwidth..

Perhaps look at the ones used by the L4R9-DISCO/EVAL boards

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The STM32L4R9ZITx (LQFP144) only has one data line for DSI. Some other chips in this family have 2, but none of them have 4.

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Single Lane @ 500 Mbps, figure 60 Hz 16bpp to around 700x700 (or about 500K pixels)

1-lane provides for data and command/control, most controllers start with this, but provide for expanded modes via configuration

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