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Dallas iButton and UART


Hi there!

i start to work with Dallas Ibutton and for my project i use STM32G031K8 nucleo. Because i need to read only one ibutton i use the UART peripheral and no ic dedicate for 1Wire. My problem is when i try to  use the rx callback function for know when i receive all data (and i start wit  receive one bit at the time) never shoot, If i put a simple delay of 1ms everythingh wor very well i can see all my data on my logic analyzer .Question because the nucleo use the second uart2 for debug is possible that give me the problem ? and if yes how can i resolve ?

Thank you soo much 



Accepted Solutions

@SGian.1 wrote:

If i put a simple delay of 1ms everything wor very well i can see all my data on my logic analyzer 

The AD article does say:

A delay may need to be added between the UART bytes being transmitted to allow for the required recovery time (TREC)


View solution in original post


> Question because the nucleo use the second uart2 for debug is possible that give me the problem ?

No, if you're not using USART2 in your code, it won't affect your program. Doesn't matter that it's hooked up to the ST-Link chip.


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Not everyone here knows what "Dallas Ibutton" is. So, when you formulate a request please think about others that need the have a clear a picture of your issue/request.


To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on "Accept as Solution" on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.

More specifically, you're talking about hacking 1-WireTM comms on a UART:


But, to understand what's going wrong with your implementation, you're going to have to give a lot more detail!

  • Schematic of your connection
  • Your code



@SGian.1 wrote:

My problem is when i try to  use the rx callback function for know when i receive all data (and i start with  receive one bit at the time) never shoot

Before getting into 1-WireTM, have you got this working well on a "normal" serial connection to a terminal (or whatever)?


@SGian.1 wrote:

If i put a simple delay of 1ms everything work very well i can see all my data on my logic analyzer

So look carefully at your LA traces with & without that delay.

Compare & Contrast.

Does the non-working case comply with the 1-WireTM specifications?

As well as a LA, you should also check with an oscilloscope - that the analogue behaviour is correct ...

@mƎALLEm wrote:

Not everyone here knows what is "Dallas Ibutton".


And they haven't been Dallas for decades now!  And correct spelling is iButton.

@SGian.1 wrote:

If i put a simple delay of 1ms everything wor very well i can see all my data on my logic analyzer 

The AD article does say:

A delay may need to be added between the UART bytes being transmitted to allow for the required recovery time (TREC)