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Hello,I am developing a custom board with the STM32WB55RGV6 Chip and an on-board PCB antenna. The document is for a 2-layer PCB and I am needing to do a 4-layer PCB. I don't completely have the recommended stack-up, but altium shows its very close to...
Hello,I am working with a custom board communicating via USB-2-USART IC (FT234XD-R). Upon power up, the board operates as expected. I can communicate with the device . After some time--usually 60sec or so, but not perfectly periodic-- the device will...
Hello,I am having an issue with the relationship between TouchGFX(4.23.0) and STM32CubeIDE(1.14.0). Creating a TouchGFX project through a CubeIDE project and creating CubeIDE project through TouchGFX, seem to give differing results and challenges.Par...
I am using a STM32L073RZT6 MCU and the Cube IDE V1.11. Using the .IOC, I instantiated UART1 on PB7-6 with global interrupts enabled and a DMA service for RX. On the PC side of things I'm using PuTTy as a sniffer and a UART to USB cable for COMS. I ha...