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I have a circuit with ST3485 supplied at 3.3V. There's a 1.5k pull-up on A, 1.5k pull-down on B and 120R between A and B. So when the transmitter is disabled, A-B=120*(3.3/3120)=127mV. I'm wondering what happens at the receiver and if its output is s...
I selected TIM1 as Timebase Source of HAL libraries. I think the generated code from MX tool is wrong.HAL_InitTick() is called two times: the first during HAL_Init(), the second during SystemClock_Config(). However the first time is called as HAL_Ini...
I have to configure OCTOSPI2 in Single Mode and only three pins managed directly from peripheral: SI, SO anche CLK.The code generated from MX is the following:static void MX_OCTOSPI2_Init(void) { ... OSPIM_CfgTypeDef OSPIM_Cfg_Struct = {0}; ......