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Currently we use a PowerStep01 in StepClock configuration  the current controller (CM_VM Bit set). Number of Microsteps is set to 2. Hold current (TVAL_HOLD) is set to 3 Ampere based on a 0.1 Ohm shunt resistor. All other registers are left on their ...
I have a motor that is capable of of an acceleration of more than 1'000'000 steps/sec^2. However, I cannot this high acceleration because the max. acceleration the internal motion engine of the PowerStep01 allows is 59590 steps/sec^2 (ACC Register, S...
When using the external step input of the Powerstep01, will the internal logic also use the advanced fast decay mode and switch between micro and fullsteps if a given speed limit is reached?Or does the step input only count microsteps and not using a...
For a project using several powerStep01 drivers it would be very useful, if each powerStep01 could be identified by a unique ID or a serial number. In the interface description no such register is defined. Is there maybe a hidden register available w...
According to the datasheet of the powerstep01 driver, a minimal baudrate of 5MHz has to be respected for the SPI interface. Is there any technical reason for that or can a lower (lets say <1MHz) baudrate be used for communication?
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