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PowerStep01 current control loop tuning

Associate II
Currently we use a PowerStep01 in StepClock configuration  the current controller (CM_VM Bit set). Number of Microsteps is set to 2. 
Hold current (TVAL_HOLD) is set to 3 Ampere based on a 0.1 Ohm shunt resistor. 
All other registers are left on their default values.
All motors are supplied with 72V. With the following small motor the PowerStep01 is overheated immediately and triggers thermal shutdown. The motor itself is 100% ok, both phases are within spec. 

Motor parameters:
Resistance/Phase: 2.1 Ohm
Inductance/Phase: 2.5mH

If a bigger motor is used with the following parameter the PowerStep01 temperature does not increase significantly, touching with bare hands is no problem:
Motor parameters:
Resistance/Phase: 4.0 Ohm
Inductance/Phase: 32mH

So I suspect the current chopper parameters are way off for the small inductance motor. Is there a guideline to set TSW, MinOff, MinON based on the motor parameters? What other issue could cause the sudden overheating of the PowerStep01 with a small inductance motor?