2024-02-22 9:47 AM - edited 2024-02-22 9:36 PM
Hello developers,
I am working on a device which has 5 graphs to show. If I use them in non-os mode, there will be no conflict and each graph can have more than 100 data samples. but if I add Freertos to the project, I can not use these 5 graphs with more than 50 data samples each. in other words, it doesnt even boot up in 100 data samples each while using freertos.
Help me, please
2024-02-27 5:11 AM
Hello @Vahid Ajallooeian ,
Can you provide us with more information about your project and your problem?
What happens when you try to boot? You say it doesn't boot up, do you get error messages?
Also, what have you tried in order to fix the issue?
My initial thought is to try to increase the memory allocated to FreeRTOS.
2024-03-12 3:42 AM
Hello @Vahid Ajallooeian ,
Have you been able to find a solution to your problem?
If you have found a solution, could you provide it here so that other people google the same issue as you had would be able to fin da quick solution? ☺
2024-03-20 12:06 AM
Dear @GaetanGodart
Sorry for the late reply,
Well, really I wasn't able to solve this problem till now. It seems I should avoid locked libraries like EMWIN and Touchgfx and either write my library or use some open-source library. It makes no sense that it works in non-os case and when I use freeRTOS, the library doesn't work, no matter how much the backend RAM is specified. Although, I have tried increasing ram and it didn't work. I wonder if you can test it on an STM32F429BIT6. Simply, add 12 graph widgets in touchgfx designer and you see the GUI will not load. Before entering the OS, try making all pixels to be a specific color so that entering OS routines will be obvious.
I hope I could be able to add more data lines to one widget, but it seems this feature is not yet available in this library.
2024-03-20 8:20 AM
Hello @Vahid Ajallooeian ,
I am sorry you were not able to solve your problem.
Could you please try a few things.
Run your project un debug mode and see what happens. Do your OS get stuck somewhere? Do you get a hardfault? Do you get in a wait state?
Check your priorities. Since the issue only happens with the OS, it might be related to priorities.
Also, it might be an issue with board performance. Either about calculating points or drawing on the screen.
To reduce the redrawing area you could change the "dynamic behavior" of your graphs to be "wrap and clear" (the one that redraw the largest area is "scroll" so you should avoid this one if possible).
I do not have a STM32F429BIT6 however, I have a STM32F469 discovery. I have created a project running 12 graphs and flashed it on my STM32F469 discovery and it works fine. Please find the example attached to this message.
If you want to test it on your board, create a new project, then at the top, click on "Edit -> Import -> GUI -> Browse" then select the touchgfx file with the GUI.
Could you share your project so I can try it on my board?
Finally, I see that the STM32F429BIT6 is just a microcontroller, therefore it seems you have made a custom board with a specific screen. Could I get more information about your screen please?
2024-03-21 5:30 AM
Dear @GaetanGodart,
Thank you for your support,
I have two board configurations, one with 565 RBG and the other with 666 RGB. At home, I have a 565 configuration, and it is OK. I will inform you about the other configuration in a few days. I am away from work now.
2024-04-03 1:13 AM
Hello @Vahid Ajallooeian ,
Have you had time to test it on the second board?
If yes, what was the result of that test?
Were you able to find a solution to your problem?
2024-04-16 2:10 AM
Hello @Vahid Ajallooeian ,
Have you been able to move forward and try some more?