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Hi,I am looking for the BLE AT server example created using a recent STM32CubeIDE release (1.14.0+) for the STM32WB5MM module. I can't find it.The most similar project I found was to open in STM32CubeIDE 1.14.1 the AT server example provided for the ...
Hello,I am sending very short TCP paquets (600 bytes maximum) in a PC <=> MCU transfer scenario. I wish the software running on the PC to answer using an empty (len=0) TCP flag ACK packet as soon as it gets every TCP packet.Using an STM32F207ZG and L...
I wish this thread could be a community documentaiton to analyze and understand LwIP RAW echoclient example provided in firmware packages. It would be nice to open new threads for each example.First question regarding this example: in tcp_echoclient_...
The examples and documentation provided with STM32CubeIDE are dated year 2015. Is there any repository with current versions examples? Could ST provide within STM32CubeIDE up-to-date examples?I searched dozens of links into this forum and I am not ab...
I was looking at example HTTP IAP server provided in STM32F2xx package.\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_F2_V1.9.3\Projects\STM322xG_EVAL\Applications\LwIP\LwIP_IAP\Src\httpserver.cIn http_recv, received data is extracted on every chunk of data from...
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