User Activity

Hello, im trying to make a small code with assembly using eclipse IDE, but a strange error appears in a file called the ide does not tell the error just show the line:@echo 'Building file: $<'The assembly code itself doesn´t matter, if i p...
Hello everyone, im currently studying DMA on STM boards, and im trying to send I2C messages from a mcu SLAVE (arduino) to STM32F407VET6 master, but both SCL and SDA lines is held low, it doesn´t happen when im using I2C in polling or interrupt mode, ...
Hello, im facing a problem when i try to program the chip, im using the eclipse ide and a cheap stlink debugger, the most common error is this:adapter speed: 24000 kHzadapter_nsrst_delay: 100Info : clock speed 24000 kHzInfo : STLINK v2 JTAG v34 API ...
Hello Im using STM32F407VET6 and im having a problem with the USB driver with the windows, when i plug the usb, the operational system dont recognize the microcontroler and shows me this error: unrecognized usb driver. I already installed the driver ...