2020-06-28 11:32 AM
Hello, im trying to make a small code with assembly using eclipse IDE, but a strange error appears in a file called subdir.mk the ide does not tell the error just show the line:
@echo 'Building file: $<'
The assembly code itself doesn´t matter, if i put the directive "__asm" in the front of the code the error pops up, if i delete the directive the error will disappear so i think that is something related to the gcc compiler configuration that doen´t recognize the "__asm" directive, can someone help me?
Im using a .c file to program.
2020-06-29 11:19 PM
It would be helpful if you would give a small example showing how to reproduce that error.
2020-09-06 11:54 PM
Can you show codes ?
It is very hard to say.